Thursday, 27 September 2018

More Electronic Playing

Ok, I'm still wimping out. I built the PCB, bit more complex that my usual. Main problem is ESP8255, it's a 5 x 5 mm, 32 pin chip, problem is that it's only Gnd (0V) is pad on bottom of chip, no way to route a track to it, not a problem with through plating, but somewhat of a bitch with home PCB.
My PCB drill now decides to play up, vibrations in the drill bit, snapped my only 0.6 mm bit, moved to 0.7 but the vibration causes it to drift around the pad, doesn't center on etched center hole anymore. I had the vias as 1mm, redesigned the PCB around 1.2 mm, made again, bought new drill and new chuck.
So, I have PCB and it's fully drilled. I have 5 off in dice pattern with pad under IC on both sides. I've put tinned copper wire through all vias and soldered. The hope is that I put down ESP8255 with heat gun, it seats on enough solder that wires drop down but remain sufficiently high to connect with pad and IC.
Component side, not my best PCB, ESP8255 area tinned ready.
Non component side, after ESP8255 the crystal will also need laying down with heat gun. Capacitors also tricky, I'm used to 0603 components, that is what I ordered, but 0603 capacitors are not 6 x 3 mm as I expected, instead they are 0.5 x 0.2 mm, I can hardly see the things, going to be tricky to solder by hand.

I think I have that covered: USB microscope
Kit is good, but I would have preferred it to plug into my phone, use it as a display near to PCB whilst I solder. But my phone does not support being a USB host. Works well on PC, but that is not next to my solder area. I'm working upon using Raspberry Pi as display. This is background task.

I of course also have normal background jobs, clearing drive, varnishing rocks for grand kids, central heating needs fixing, etc. Oh and of course work ;-)

Now the ESP8255 module will allow me to use it on a bread board (if it works), that leads into playing with camera. I have lots of OV2640, but I've cheated and bought a module that will be easier to also put onto bread board:

I really need to push on....

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